SMASH Table Tennis / Pingpong

In a few days I play pingpong again. After the long time didn't play it, I can play it at the office. If at the past my opponents are my friends at the college, now my opponents are my friends at the office. If at the past my opponents is a newbie like me, now my opponents are more skillful.

Udah beberapa hari ini main pingpong lagi. Setelah sekian lama gak main pingpong, ternyata bisa main lagi di kantor. Kalo dulu lawan main pingpong teman-teman kampus, sekarang lawan main pingpong teman-teman kerja. Kalo dulu lawan main pingpong masih sama-sama belajar (skill pas-pasan) sekarang lawan main pinpong lebih jago-jago.

Something that I confuse is so hardly to do a SMASH, curious for the SMASH that rarely touch the enemy table makes me obsesion to search the video.

Yang herannya sekarang kok susah banget SMASH, makanya penasaran SMASH jarang masuk jadi terobsesi nyari videonya.

Look the short video below:

Lihat cuplikannya dibawah berikut ini:


search4games mengatakan...

salam kenal mas ivan, wah kayaknya udah pada jago main ping-pong disini. kalo buat yang pemula alias belum pernah ada videonya juga gak..

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