Table Tennis / Pingpong

This videos was collected by me when browsing at the internet. Maybe this is uncomplete videos. I hope this videos can give you the basic technic and creativity at pingpong / table tennis.

Kumpulan video-video ini saya dapat ketika browsing di internet. Mungkin nggak terlalu lengkap. Mudah-mudahan bisa menambah kreatifitas dan tehnik dalam bermain pingpong.

In the next day if you have another videos, you can share it with me.

Kedepannya kalau ada teman-teman yang lain punya video lain bisa di-sharing.

Download Here:

- Smash 1
- Smash 2
- Smash 3

- Top Spin 1
- Top Spin 2
- Top Spin 3
- Top Spin 4
- Top Spin 5
- Top Spin 6

- Drive 1
- Drive 2
- Drive 3
- Drive 4
- Drive 5
- Drive 6

- Flip 1
- Flip 2
- Flip 3
- Flip 4
- Flip 5

- Chop 1
- Chop 2
- Chop 3
- Chop 4
- Chop 5
- Chop 6


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