Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 a.k.a PES 2009 (PC)

After waiting for several months, finally "Pro Evolution Soccer 2009" released.

With more fitures and some new skill and gameplay, PES 2009 is more attractive and must be tested as a sport genre game.

Windows XP SP2, Vista
Intel Pentium IV 1.4GHz or equivalent processor
6GB free hard disk space
4x DVD-ROM Drive
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9700 video card)
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc)
Multiplayer: TCP/IP 192 kbps or higher
Windows compatible keyboard
800 x 600 monitor resolution

Windows XP SP2, Vista
Intel Pentium IV 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 or equivalent or higher
8GB free hard disk space
8x DVD-ROM Drive
DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 256MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (ATI x1600 or NVidia 6800 GT/GS or better)
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc)
Multiplayer: TCP/IP Broadband Internet connection
Windows compatible USB Gamepad
1280 x 720 monitor resolution

NVIDIA - GeForce 9600, 8800, 8600, 8500, 7900, 7800, 7600, 7300, 7100, 6800, 6600, GeForce FX (5950, 5900, 5800, 5600, 5200)
ATI - Radeon HD3870, HD3800, HD2900, HD2400, X1950, X1900, X1800, X1900, X1600, X1050, X1550, X850, X800, X700, X300, 9800, 9700

It may be necessary to update your hardware drivers before playing.

Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.

Look the trailer here:

or you can Download It Here.

serial number: APVM-69N6-WW3U-UE7R-3PKM


Unknown mengatakan...

hola bro, link ini koq ndak jalan ya?

Ivan Jaya mengatakan...

Bisa di download disini bro sebagai gantinya:

Unknown mengatakan...

makasih bro.. btw, ntar pas mau extract nama filenya gw rename lagi pake nama ini kan?

Unknown mengatakan...

bro, stlh gw extract, filenya adalah:
pro-pes09.r02 sebesar 61 k
pro-pes09.r03 sebesar 97,596 k
sementara file yg hilang linknya adalah rld-pro9.r04
gimana tuh bro? apa pake yg pro-pes09.r03 itu? mohon pencerahan.. makasih..

Unknown mengatakan...

setelah saya google, saya nemu link ini:,g/rld-pro9.html
apakah itu sama file2nya? thanks..

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