Download Accelerator at Ubuntu Linux

At Windows operating system we know some software to accelerate download file such as Internet Download Manager (IDM) or Flashget. With that download accelerator the speed of download can maximize because the file split to some pieces.

What about Linux especially Ubuntu? Is there any software to used?

Ubuntu Linux also has software to accelerate download. If you search at Ubuntu Software Center, you'll find Axel to use (GUI) or you can use wget from the terminal. But actually I like to use prozilla. I like to use it because we can pause the download and continue at another time. Prozilla used from the terminal. You can install it with this command:

sudo apt-get install prozilla

After you install it, you can use it from the terminal. You can get the information how to use it by type: proz --help. Copy the source where the file that you want to download. Open your terminal and type this command:

proz -r -k=10 paste_your_source

Replace paste_your_souce with your source dowload by paste the source. -r means resume if your download disconnected, -k=10 means 10 connection to download. If you want to pause the download, simply hold Ctrl+R. You can continue download by do the command above: proz -r -k=10 paste_your_source or simply hold your up-arrow from the keyboard to find that command.

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