3 Ways To Get Traffic and Boost Page Rank

If you want to get a good traffic to your blog, you must promote your blog. There are many way to promote your blog. You can follow my blog tutorial below to promote your blog:

  1. Blogwalking and give a quality comment.
    Some blog make their blog dofollow. It means that your blog can get a backlink. If you give a quality comment, another comentators will visit your blog and want to know you closer.

  2. Create a signature with your blog link.
    Create your email and forum signature with your blog link. This will make you recipient want to know your blog and visit you blog. Create a creative and nice signature with your blog link.

  3. Register to Social networks such as identi.ca, twitter, facebook and others.
    With social networks, you can promote your blog. There are many people who want to know you and visit your profile. Make sure you insert your blog link. From this social networks you can gain more visitors and at some social networks you can also get a backlink.

Keep doing a research. Point 3 is a good idea to boost your traffic and Page Rank. There are so many social networks that maybe you don't know yet that can give you more visitor.

That's it my blog tutorial to increase your blog traffic and boost your Page Rank. If you have another way, please leave a comment.


Jaya mengatakan...

Mantap... trik umum dan awam digunakan, namun paling ampuh... salam

Another Blogger mengatakan...

Not as simple as you said bro. Need more time to get traffic from your network. The easiest way to get traffic is by traffic exchange :D
To get Page Rank and Tons Traffic we need to create lots of contents and one of them is on Google SERPs.
Thanks for sharing.

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